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10 Fertility Tips for Men Trying to Become a Father

You tied the knot and enjoyed your married life for a certain time. It’s great. Now, you have thought about expanding your family. And for this, you make a plan and decide to be strict to it. You start moving towards your family expansion plan. Both of you decide to see a doctor at a fertility clinic in Bangalore or your local city when you notice no fruit through your effort. 

Usually, people consider a woman responsible for carrying a pregnancy and giving birth to a baby. It is not true. A male is equally responsible for the family expansion as a female is. And it gets clear through fertility tests like semen analysis and ovarian reserve. When you (male) come to know the fault is at your side, you need not to worry. Instead of worrying about it, you should follow your doctor’s instructions and take the steps that can facilitate you improving your fertility. Here are some valuable fertility tips for you when you are trying to become a father:

  1. Consider about your partner 

As per several medical studies, both males and females are responsible for bringing a child into their family. You should think that infertility doesn’t have any impact on your physical ability. It affects your relationship. So, keep in mind that making your female strong is your prime duty as you do to stay alive on this earth. You should comprehend your female partner’s feelings for having a pregnancy. And you should take a lead role and do whatever can make you become a father. 

  1. Lose your extra body weight 

Several medical research papers have stated that men with over body weight take longer to make their female partners pregnant. As per the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, being overweight has an association with a male’s sperm quality. Overweight causes a reduction in sperm count and motility and an increase in the damage to DNA in sperm. It is clear here that you should keep your BMI around 25 and let it not go beyond 30. 

  1. Manage your critical medical conditions 

The World journal of Men’s Health states that successful management of critical diseases such as diabetes and blood pressure can enhance the chances for males to make their females conceive. As a male, you need to stay away from stress, anxiety, and depression. 

  1. Always eat healthy foods 

Having a healthy and balanced diet is crucial for every human being on earth. It becomes more crucial for you when you are working on your family expansion plan. While having your breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you must ensure that it has all the nutritional elements – from carbohydrates to protein, vitamins, and minerals. And for this, you should eat:

  • Whole grains
  • Nuts 
  • Seeds 
  • Seasonal and fresh vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, oranges, spinach, and avocado  
  • Pasteurised dairy products such as milk, cheese, and breads 
  • Meat & fish 
  • Dry fruits such as almonds, raisins, and cashews   

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  1. Be physically active as much you can be 

As per a study published in the the journal Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, being physically active is highly beneficial for men trying to father a child. Males who have a moderate to intensive physical training schedule have a higher level of testosterone homes that are crucial for fertility in men. Here being physically active doesn’t mean you should always perform workouts of high intensity. You can opt for:

  • Running or jogging 
  • Push ups  
  • Brisk walk 
  • Stairs instead of lifts or escalators 

6 . Lower your stress and feel relaxed  

It is possible for you to stay away from stress and allied psychological issues, especially when you are on your parenthood journey. Being a father, making your female pregnant, and bringing a child, etc. keep going in your mind. Such feelings and thoughts will make you stressed. And you need to manage your stress when you notice it is interrupting you a lot. For managing your stress, you can:

  • Practise deep breathing 
  • Meditate regularly 
  • Perform a few light to moderate yoga poses 
  • Listen to your favourite music 
  • Do what make you happy
  1. Be aware of age-related things

As per a 2020 study published in a BBC article, men like women have a biological clock and experience fertility issues later in their life as compared to females. With age, the quality and quantity of sperm goes down in males. So, it is better for men to plan their parenthood journey at least in their 30s.  

  1. Quit smoking if you do 

Smoking has a close association with sperm. As per the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, smokers have a higher risk of having poor sperm count and motility. Further, they have a higher number of abnormally shaped sperm. It is advisable for you to quit smoking as you plan your parenthood journey. 

  1. Wear loose and comfortable undergarments 

Many studies have suggested that tight undergarments can increase scrotal temperature and lower the quality of a male’s sperm. A large number of fertility experts advise males to wear the undergarments that make them feel comfortable and have no pressure on the private part area.   

  1. Stay away from extreme heat and chemical exposure 

Keep in mind both heat and chemicals are an enemy to your fertility. Maximum exposure to heat and industrial chemicals can cause you to have a decrease in your sperm count, concentration, and motility. So, you should avoid having long exposure to chemicals and heat. Further, avoid placing your laptop on your thighs. You can place it on a table, desk, or a cooling pad while working on your laptop.    





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