10 Magical UPSC Preparation Tips on How to Study for IAS
UPSC happens to be one of the prestigious exams to be taken in India. Lakhs of people come to attempt this paper however only a few qualify for this exam. A lengthy syllabus is not the only thing that makes the exam very difficult but its unpredictable nature also makes it intimidating.
This course is something that can be overcome by reading a lot of books as the exams are followed by interviews. This course requires the availability of knowledge, especially in regards to current affairs. But don’t worry, difficult things are not impossible. In this article, we have come up with 10 magical tips for preparation that will help you in getting through this exam.
Prepare yourself
Before diving into your books one must be prepared for the journey both mentally and physically. The course will require a lot of time and devotion. Set your goals to make it through this journey. To prepare well an understanding of this UPSC Exam Eligibility for 2022 pattern is also necessary. The exam has three stages which include Prelim, Main, and the interview. Go through the syllabus of the exams and also keep in mind the dates of the events in regards to these exams. Those who have a job or are busy otherwise should try to manage their time for their preparation. With this kind of technology, managing has become quite easy.
Timetable making
Act as an officer becomes an officer which means having a well-organised daily routine. Before starting the preparation, make a suitable timetable and set deadlines. By sticking to it the preparation will go smoothly and the syllabus will come to end. Mark those topics which are easy for you and those that are a bit hard and study accordingly.
Newspaper Reading/Current Affairs for IAS
Reading newspapers is very important especially when it comes to clearing the subject of current affairs. The questions asked in this civil service exam have a direct or indirect relation to current affairs. Hence it becomes necessary to go through daily news on a daily basis. This news can be accessed from the internet. Students should know how to make notes from these newspapers. There are also many YouTube videos with detailed analyses of daily news.
Choosing optional subjects
The optional subject makes up to 500 marks in total. Hence when it comes to choosing the subjects it should be done wisely after checking all the pros and cons one might face with the subjects. The subject should be interesting and overlap with the GS papers. These subjects should be the ones in which the candidates already have an academic background. Coaching and study material should also be available. These are some of the factors that should be available when choosing optional subjects.
The NCERTs textbooks that play a significant role in the preparation for IAS exams are from grades 6 to 12. These books have all the reasonable knowledge as it consists of all the basic concepts and theories. books are a reliable source for the government as well. These books are considered the best. Many questions for the past few years have come directly from these books. Some advanced books should also be considered.
Notes making and revision
Making short notes can be very helpful when preparing for the UPSC exams. For such a vast syllabus making notes will help keep track of how much of it is done. Students can make a separate file for each subject and it can be easier to add notes in a file especially for current affair subjects when adding related notes to a particular subject.
This notes making can also help in the revision of the course easily. Revision should be done repeatedly. This will prevent students from forgetting anything from the course.
Answer writing practice
The IAS exam is descriptive and mostly tests about analytic, critical, and communicative abilities of the students. This helps the student to organise views, perceptions, and thoughts and flawlessly create conceptual thinking. The only thing that makes answering tricky is the limited time and space given on the answer sheet. Hence, candidates should practise writing quickly and effectively in the least number of words.
Past papers and mock testing
UPSC past papers are the best source to look for a paper pattern and the trend of questions that follows. This way candidates can learn the importance of particular subjects. These are also a good source of self-assessment otherwise known as mock testing. This will help students to realise and learn from their mistakes, shaping what approach they need to follow in continuing the preparation and identifying strengths and weaknesses. Candidates should join a mock test series when preparing from home.
Important government resources
The main purpose of taking this exam is to work for the Indian government. Government websites like the PIB, PRS and national television programs featured on the Rajya Sabha TV are one of the very good resources candidates can rely on. Legacy IAS Academy provides the best Magazines like Yojana, Kurukshetra, Economic & Political Weekly, etc. can also help when learning about current affairs. Polity, governance, agriculture, economy, etc. are one of the few topics they contain.
UPSC interview
The interview is the third and the last stage of this exam and this is where academics may be of little value. For this interview, candidates are tested for their qualities such as diplomatic skills, communication skills, presence of mind, reaction to stress, etc. questions regarding your interests, hobbies, education, and work experience, if any will also be asked.
Let’s hope that these tips are enough to help you prepare. However, the best tip a student needs when giving an exam is to stay positive. Too much stress and depression can mess up even the best of things. With positive minds so much can be achieved.