
4 Easy Ways to Protect Your Mobile Gadgets’ Screen Protectors

Portable devices, namely mobile phones and tablets, are without a doubt not cheap. Since they are electronic gadgets used for multiple sorts of necessities, they are priced dearly for sure. Keeping them safe is a must. That’s the role of screen protectors. Thanks to them, the screens of your gadgets are defended from scratches and wreckage and from the objects and situations that cause them. But, screen protectors need protection too. Who does that for them? You. 

Below are 4 easy ways to protect your mobile gadgets’ screen protectors. They are not as immortal as some people believe they are, so do your best to shield your gadgets’ very own shield. 

1 – Keep your gadgets from dropping to the ground.

Handheld gadgets are prone to falling and dropping, simply because they are just being held by people’s bare hands. Whenever they fall, it’s the screen protectors that get cracked and broken. Instead of your gadgets’ screen directly getting ruined, it’s the surface of screen protectors that get severed. This is especially when the gadgets fall from a high area to a cemented or tiled floor. 

2 – Keep them from bumping into hard surfaces.

Not only the floor but also other hard surfaces like tables and bulky inside your bags can present harm to your phones. But then again, screen protectors are there to take the pain instead. Yet it is your personal responsibility to keep your gadgets from bumping into hard surfaces. Do not irresponsibly let them hang loose while you wear their straps or lanyards around your wrist or neck. Hold them properly. If placed inside the bag, make sure not to just throw your bag as you please. Your stuff inside your bag, including your cell phone and other gadgets, will be put to harm if you do that. 

3 – Keep pointed objects away. 

Guard your screen protectors from lacerations by keeping pointed objects away from them. Scissors, ballpens and utensils should not be placed on top of your gadgets. If you are holding these tools close to your gadgets, be very careful to avoid accidentally hitting or scratching them with those sharp-edged items. 

4 – Clean it with proper screen cleaners.

Wipe your screen protectors, but make sure you do so with proper screen cleaners. Do not recklessly use any kind of alcohol on them because some chemicals might cause the quality of the screen protectors to decline and eventually, their lifespan will shorten. Clean screen protectors with actual screen sprays authorized by gadget centers or by the brand of your gadgets.  



Without screen protectors, it feels very uncomfortable and risky to hold and use your cellphones. Especially when they are still brand new, it’s like you are holding a gem that’s laid bare, close to danger. It’s like your gadgets can be scraped, marked and harmed anytime unexpected.  

Indeed, big thanks to the existence of screen protectors for they are created for the safety and beauty of gadgets with screens. They receive all the beating that your gadgets are supposed to directly receive. As an appreciation and love for your screen protectors, also do your best to take care of them and make them last long. Soon, you will need to have the one you have replaced, too, but while you do not have to do that yet, use it responsibly. 

Protect the one that protects your precious gadgets. Screen protectors need protection too!


Nicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. Quality and well-researched writing is her worthwhile avenue to enlighten and delight others about things that matter. She is a daytime writer for GetdGet, an international mobile online shopping site based in Sydney, Australia. Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.

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