Health and Fitness

Advantages, method, benefits and harms of Mayurasana

Mayurasana is a special type of yoga asana, in which balance of body posture is made with the help of hands. This asana is considered a special yoga posture to reduce physical stress. Mayurasana is made up of two words Peacock and Asana and in English it is known as Peacock Pose, if done with the right technique, Mayurasana can provide many health benefits, it is a medium-grade pose. Yoga is a pose. Which requires the help of a yoga instructor to do initially, so it can hurt the body if it is not done with the right technique.


If you are a fitness freak and want to know more about yoga poses, then you can join a Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. 


Benefits of Peacock Pose:

If With the right technique and taking precautions, Mayurasana can provide a variety of health benefits –

1. Mayurasana to improve physical balance

By practicing Mayurasana regularly, the core muscles of the body are strengthened. As a result, the body is able to maintain its balance.


2. Mayurasana to reduce back pain

Mayurasana can also be a good option for people who have complaints of back pain, by practicing this yoga, the muscles of the back become strong, which provides support to the spine.


3. Mayurasana strengthens the shoulders

During Mayurasana, the shoulders are stressed while lifting the weight of the body, which strengthens the muscles. This can also reduce problems like pain in the shoulders.


4. Mayurasana Improve Mental Health

Mayurasana not only makes you physically healthy, it can also provide many benefits in mental health. Practicing Mayurasana regularly can help relieve symptoms like anxiety, stress and depression.

The health benefits of Mayurasana mainly depend on the method of performing this yogasana and the health condition of the practitioner.


Steps to do Peacock Pose:

If you are going to practice Mayurasana for the first time, the following steps may help you to make this yoga pose.

Step 1 – Start by lying on your back on a mat and sitting on your knees (Virasana Mudra).

Step 2 – Keep the ankles close to each other and make some distance between the knees.

Step 3 – Now bend forward and place the hands on the ground between both the knees

Step 4 – Keep the elbows and fingers of the hands on your side and keep the waist straight

Step 5 – Slowly bend your elbows so that they start to come towards your stomach.

Step 6 – During this, let the weight of the body come on the hands and start straightening the knees.

Step 7 – First lift one leg in the air and then raise the other leg while balancing


To make this pose, it is necessary to put all the weight on the hands and you can practice it for the duration according to your capacity, if you are going to do Mayurasana for the first time, then it is better to take help from an experienced yoga instructor.


Precautions during Peacock Pose:

The following things should be kept in mind when practicing Mayurasana:

  • Raise the legs slowly in the air to balance the body
  • Do not do any action by force, doing so may result in injury.
  • Do not practice this yoga on rough ground
  • Keep arms and shoulders parallel to each other in yoga posture


When not to do Peacock Pose:

The following are health conditions. During which one should talk to the doctor before doing Mayurasan –

  • An injury, sprain, or severe pain anywhere on the body
  • menstruation or pregnancy
  • Older people or those with balance problems
  • person with blood pressure or heart diseases
  • feeling tired or weak

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