Advantages of dental insurance
The dental insurance plan is a new product that has been very popular among consumers and is on the rise. In fact, the dental insurance plan has become so popular that the number of people who have bought the coverage and how long they have been with it has made it on the basis of categories to rate and even the influence of the company. However, most of the people do not know what it is and what it can do. Keep reading to learn more about this new product.
Prevent oral diseases
It’s better to prevent than to cure. And that is even truer when we talk about oral health, since most problems can be avoided by carrying out proper prevention work.
Savings and discounts for the family budget
The economy is one of the big reasons to purchase dental insurance. Being insured represents significant savings, and even more. So if the rest of the family members are included in the policy. An option that some insurers allow at a reduced cost.
In addition, the offer of the best companies usually includes considerable discounts on dental treatments not included in the insurance.
Periodic reviews
Another of the great assets of dental insurance is the inclusion of regular consultations and check-ups in the policy, of course at no additional cost.
It may interest you: when to take children to the dentist for a dental cleaning?
Breadth of the medical chart
Another great benefit: having a wide range of medical professionals and specialized centers at the choice of the insured person and their family. Which significantly expand the offer and service with respect to dental treatments covered by social security.
Supplement for health insurance
Broadly speaking, we know what dental social security covers, and it seems insufficient.
For this reason, dental insurance is the best complement to medical insurance. Despite the fact that it usually offers some basic guarantees in dental care. Can also fall short when it comes to oral health.
What tests and treatments does it include?
We explain what dental insurance covers:
- Diagnostic tests, from the initial examinations to the emergency ones, through the preparation of budgets and the consultations and subsequent revisions;
- Performing all kinds of radiographs -periapical, occlusal, lateral, fin or temporomandibular joint, as well as periodontal radiographic series and orthopantomographies.
- Interventions for the implantation of space maintainers, whether they are unilateral fixed, removable acrylic or recemented.
- Training, preventive and aesthetic actions: teaching brushing techniques, dental and oral hygiene education, diet planning for caries control, regular mouth cleanings, staining and plaque indexes, topical applications of fluoride…
- Oral surgery: various operations such as simple or complicated extractions, of teeth retained in bone tissue -with odontosection and/or osteotomy-, semi-included wisdom tooth surgeries, sutures, minor pre-prosthetic and soft tissue surgeries, cystectomies with or without dental extraction, frenectomies, access openings and drains.
- Pediatric dentistry: a multitude of services for children and adolescents: extraction of temporary teeth (baby teeth), fillings, sealing of points and fissures, reconstructions, crowns, coatings, pulp openings and drainage, pulpotomy or apex formation.
- Some companies, such as Generali, include a Children’s Dental Plan.
- Other services: for example, coverage for hospitalization due to illness or accident.
What expenses does dental insurance save me?
In the most common model in this type of insurance, the franchise, the policy allows, through a moderate annual economic outlay, to save the full payment of money for the simplest operations and services -consultations, emergencies, dental cleaning, some diagnostic test – and greatly reduce the cost of the more complex and expensive ones.
Tax advantages of dental insurance for the self-employed
Dental insurance can have tax advantages, and not only if it is contract by a company on your behalf.
If you sign it up as a self-employed person, it can report a personal income tax deduction of up to 500 euros, provided that the policy meets a series of requirements established by the Treasury.