Health and Fitness

Benefits, applications, risks, and how retinoin and adapalene compare to tretinoin

This article explains what tretinoin is, what it’s used for, how it works, what adverse effects it has, how it differs from retinol and adapalene, and what you should talk to your doctor about before using this drug.

Studies show that retinol is a potent acne treatment. However, some people, such as those who are pregnant or nursing, might prefer to use comparable medications that treat acne but have fewer negative side effects.

What is it?

Tretinoin 0.1 cream is a retinoid, or vitamin A derivative. It is a typical component in prescription-strength acne medications.

It may aid in reducing fine wrinkles and sun damage-related dark spots in addition to treating acne.

The generic term for various synthetic versions of vitamin A is tretinoin, including:

  • Atralin Avita
  • Refissa
  • Renova
  • Retin-A


This can be taken orally as isotretinoin or in topical formulations such as gels and creams.

Topical formulations are authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the management of acne vulgaris.

The treatment of severe nodular acne with oral tretinoin, also known as isotretinoin, is also permitted by the FDA.


The following advantages of retinol may be experienced:

  • minimizing the appearance of dark patches and fine wrinkles
  • making skin texture better
  • minimizing acne breakouts’ frequency and intensity
  • removing current acne

Skin cells are stimulated to form by retinoids like tretinoin, which causes them to grow and divide more quickly. By doing this, dead skin cells are removed more quickly, and germs and other irritants are kept out of the pores.

Buy tretinoin cream boosts collagen formation and encourages skin cell creation, according to a review from Trusted Source. These two outcomes might lessen wrinkles and fine lines.

According to Trusted Source, tretinoin also prevents a number of the inflammatory processes connected to acne, which may aid in clearing up current lesions and preventing flare-ups in the future.


For the treatment of acne and sun-damaged skin, tretinoin has received extensive research.

Based on a 2019 study, according to Trusted Source, a lotion with 0.05% tretinoin significantly decreased both inflammatory and noninflammatory acne lesions in teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18.

Topical and oral tretinoin are efficient treatments for inflammatory acne in adults and adolescents, according to a study by Trusted Source.

Additionally, it appears that tretinoin works well when used with other acne medications, such as

  • Acid azelaic
  • Clindamycin 
  • benzoyl peroxide

How retinol and adapalene compare to tretinoin

One of the numerous retinoids is tretinoin cream 0.025. Also retinol and adapalene are two more popular retinoids that support the synthesis of skin cells and collagen.


Retinol is a naturally occurring vitamin A derivative as opposed to tretinoin, a synthetic retinoid. In comparison to tretinoin, it is also kinder and less irritating. Retinol might be more appropriate for those with sensitive skin as a result.

Tretinoin and retinol were equally effective for enhancing: in a 2015 study, 120 women trusted their sources.

  • pores 
  • wrinkles
  • uneven pigmentation
  • sun-damaged skin

Contrary to those receiving tretinoin, the retinol therapy group had fewer participants report negative side effects.


Third-generation retinoid adapalene is use topically to treat acne.

This drug is just as effective as tretinoin, according to the National Library of Medicine. Adapalene, however, has a better safety record.

Differin Trusted Source, an over-the-counter (OTC) gel, contains adapalene.

Before using Tretinoin-based acne medications, what to notify your doctor may call for a prescription.

The pros and cons of this medicine can be discuss with a dermatologist or healthcare provider.

  • whether they are expecting or intend to become pregnant, whether they are breastfeeding, or whether they spend a lot of time in the sun.
  • if they have any skincare allergies, or any drugs they currently take, as well as those.


A synthetic retinoid made from vitamin A is retinol. It is frequently use to cure acne, lessen wrinkles, and enhance the texture and look of the skin.

Both an oral tablet and a topical cream or gel form of the drug are readily available. Treatments for acne based on tretinoin also need a prescription from a physician.

Although tretinoin cream 0.05 is an effective treatment for acne and sun-damaged skin, according to clinical research, it can also cause adverse effects such as:

  • stomach problems
  • stinging 
  • skin discomfort

However, patients can speak with their doctors about the medication’s advantages and disadvantages.

Two milder over-the-counter retinoids are retinol and adapalene. For those with sensitive skin or those who have had negative reactions to tretinoin, these drugs might be a better choice.   

negative effects

Despite being beneficial, tretinoin might cause negative consequences like:

  • peeling, dry, or red stinging or scorching skin close to the application location
  • warm-to-the-touch skin whitening of the skin where the application was make
  • The outer layer of the skin can become thinner as a result of retinoids like Tretinoin cream, making it more susceptible to sun damage.

It is advise by medical authorities that anyone utilizing retinoids always apply sunscreen.

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