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Convert QuickBooks Online to Desktop in Easy Steps

Convert QuickBooks Online to Desktop in Easy Steps: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s digital age, accounting software has become an integral part of managing finances for businesses of all sizes. QuickBooks is one such popular accounting software that offers various versions to cater to the diverse needs of businesses. QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop are two widely used versions. While QuickBooks Online provides the convenience of cloud-based access, some users may prefer the features and control offered by QuickBooks Desktop. If you are looking to convert your QuickBooks Online data to QuickBooks Desktop, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process step by step, ensuring a seamless transition.

Convert QuickBooks Online to Desktop in Easy Steps

To convert QuickBooks Online to QuickBooks Desktop, follow the simple steps outlined below:

  1. Exporting QuickBooks Online DataThe first step in the conversion process is exporting your data from QuickBooks Online. QuickBooks Online provides a straightforward method to export your data in a format compatible with QuickBooks Desktop. Here’s how you can do it:
    • Log in to your QuickBooks Online account.
    • Navigate to the “Settings” menu and select “Export Data.”
    • Choose the data range you want to export and select the file format as “QuickBooks Desktop (qbb)”.
    • Click on “Export” and save the file to your desired location on your computer.

    By following these steps, you will have successfully exported your QuickBooks Online data.

  2. Preparing QuickBooks DesktopNow that you have your QuickBooks Online data exported, it’s time to prepare QuickBooks Desktop for the import process. Here’s what you need to do:
    • Launch QuickBooks Desktop on your computer.
    • Create a new company file or open an existing one where you want to import the data.
    • Set up your company file by providing the necessary information, such as company name, address, fiscal year, and tax ID.
    • Once your company file is set up, you’re ready to import the data.
  3. Importing QuickBooks Online Data to QuickBooks DesktopWith QuickBooks Desktop prepared, you can now proceed to import your QuickBooks Online data. Follow these steps:
    • From the QuickBooks Desktop menu, select “File” and then choose “Utilities.”
    • Click on “Import” and select “From QuickBooks Online.”
    • A login screen will appear. Enter your QuickBooks Online login credentials and click “Continue.”
    • Select the QuickBooks Online data file (qbb) that you exported earlier.
    • QuickBooks Desktop will begin importing your data. The time taken will depend on the size of your data.
    • Once the import is complete, you will have to convert QuickBooks Online to desktop.
  4. Reviewing and Verifying DataAfter the import process, it’s crucial to review and verify the imported data to ensure accuracy. Here’s what you should do:
    • Go through each module of QuickBooks Desktop, such as Customers, Vendors, and Accounts, to review the imported data.
    • Compare the data in QuickBooks Desktop with your original QuickBooks Online data to check for any discrepancies.
    • Reconcile bank accounts and run reports to ensure that the numbers match up.
    • It is recommended to keep a backup of your QuickBooks Online data for reference purposes during this verification process.

    By carefully reviewing and verifying your data, you can identify and rectify any errors, if present.

  5. Making Necessary AdjustmentsDuring the conversion process, it is possible that you may encounter certain discrepancies or differences between QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop. In such cases, you will need to make necessary adjustments to ensure data consistency. Here are some common adjustments you may need to consider:
    • Manually update any missing or incomplete information in QuickBooks Desktop.
    • Reconfigure any customized settings or preferences that did not transfer over during the conversion.
    • Set up users and their respective access rights according to your requirements.

    These adjustments will help align your QuickBooks Desktop with your business’s specific needs and ensure a smooth transition.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are some commonly asked questions about converting QuickBooks Online to Desktop:

  1. Can I convert only specific data from QuickBooks Online to Desktop?Yes, during the export process, QuickBooks Online allows you to choose the specific data range you want to export. This flexibility enables you to convert only the necessary data.
  2. Will my QuickBooks Online data be deleted after the conversion?No, converting QuickBooks Online to Desktop does not delete your original QuickBooks Online data. However, it is always recommended to keep a backup of your data for reference purposes.
  3. Are there any limitations or data that may not transfer during the conversion?While most of the data should transfer smoothly, there are a few limitations to be aware of. Some data, such as audit logs, budgets, and custom templates, may not transfer as they are specific to QuickBooks Online.
  4. Can I still access my converted data in QuickBooks Online after the conversion?No, once the conversion is complete, your data will reside exclusively in QuickBooks Desktop. To access your data, you will need to use QuickBooks Desktop on your computer.
  5. What if I need assistance during the conversion process?If you encounter any difficulties or have questions during the conversion process, it is advisable to seek support from QuickBooks customer service or consult the QuickBooks user community for guidance.
  6. Is it possible to revert back to QuickBooks Online after converting to Desktop?Yes, it is possible to revert back to QuickBooks Online, but it requires additional steps and professional assistance. It is recommended to consult with experts before making such a decision.


Converting QuickBooks Online to Desktop can seem like a daunting task, but by following the easy steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure a smooth transition. Remember to export your QuickBooks Online data, prepare QuickBooks Desktop, import the data, review and verify the data, and make necessary adjustments as needed. By doing so, you can seamlessly convert your QuickBooks Online data to QuickBooks Desktop, giving you the control and features you desire.

You may read also – How to Fix Quickbooks Error PS032?

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