

Here are a few normal mistakes that Sage 300 clients have detailed, alongside directions to determine them.

“Can’t find program document. Windows safeguard and A4wcontainerXP.exe”

These blunders show up if the ‘a4wContainerXP.exe’ document situated in the

[Sage Programs]\Runtime index is absent or adulterated. On December 1, 2016, Microsoft Windows Defender started dishonestly distinguishing the a4wContainerXP.exe record as “Trojan:Win23/Detplock”.

Instructions to Resolve:

Prior to recuperating the a4wContainerXP.exe record on PCs with MS Windows Defender introduced, utilize Microsoft’s directions to reject the [Sage Programs]\Runtime envelope from filtering, then restart the PC for the prohibition to produce results.

Actually take a look at the MS Windows Defender, Quarantine for the document. In the event that it’s present, and the organizer rejection has been set, reestablish the record. On the off chance that the record isn’t in the Quarantine then, at that point, duplicate the a4wContainerXP.exe from a functioning PC that has a similar establishment and variant of Sage 300.

On the off chance that one more duplicate of the document isn’t accessible, then a full Repair of the Sage 300 establishment ought to be run, trailed by establishment of the Product Update being used at the hour of the blunder.

“Sage 300 UI Container has quit working”

This message might happen on a Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 2012 server while printing reports to review. At the point when you click on the drop down bolt to View issue subtleties, the accompanying message is shown:

  • Declaration fizzled!
  • Program: C:\Apps\Accpac\RUNTIME\A4WCONTAINERXP.EXE
  • Document: repcmd.c
  • Line: 227
  • Articulation: NULL == record->pCrystalObjectHandle

Find More-; How to use Crystal Report for Sage 50 US

Step by step instructions to Resolve:

You can determine this mistake by following the nitty gritty strides in this Sage 300 knowledgebase article (#18397). In the event that you keep on seeing the blunder subsequent to attempting those means, make certain to reboot the server and the workstation for changes to produce results and afterward everything ought to work accurately.

“You don’t have a permit to utilize this item”

On the off chance that you see this blunder while opening an organization on a particular PC or with a particular Windows client, it’s because of a Windows client account having lacking privileges to the Sage 300 Shared Data registry.

The most effective method to Resolve:

  • Really look at Sage 300 Shared Data catalog way in the library, (Go to Start, Run, type regedit).
  • 32 digit conditions:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ACCPAC International, Inc.\ACCPAC\Configuration
  • 64 cycle conditions:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ACCPAC International, Inc.\ACCPAC\Configuration
  • Affirm this is a similar area shown in the vault from a workstation(s) that can open an organization effectively.
  • Really take a look at the client consents for the Sage 300 Shared Data catalog. Windows client accounts should have full admittance to the organizers and sub-envelopes (Sage suggests that Windows client accounts be essential for the Power Users bunch).
  • Note: The above advances have settled a larger part of these issues. At times there is a subsequent vault key in the HKEY_CURRENT_-USER\Software\ACCPAC INTERNATIONAL, INC. that is causing the mistake.

Need Help with Sage 300 (Accpac)?

Snap to pose an inquiry or reach out to Acumen Information Systems – Sage 300 (Accpac) programming support specialists.

Find Also-:  How to Printing Old Receipts without Posting them Again


At AccountingAdvice, we are a leading third-party remote technical support provider for Sage 50. With a global footprint, we provide expert support service for Sage 50 and associated software. We have a dedicated team of Sage

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