Health and Fitness

How Is Acupuncture Effective For Treating a Variety Of Diseases?

Pain relief is only one of many health issues that acupuncture may help with. The practice of acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin steel needles into certain “acupoints” on a patient’s skin. The insertion of needles restores the body’s qi balance and activates the production of the body’s own anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting substance. Sports massage near me gives you a chance to cure your pains and healthy body tips.

What conditions does acupuncture treat?

A variety of medical conditions respond well to acupuncture. People often turn to it when they need help with discomfort that won’t go away or is persistent over time.

  • Arthritis.
  • Pain in the back, the neck, or the muscles.
  • Intense pain in one’s head.
  • There is soreness in my knees.
  • Period pains.
  • Anguish sustained when playing a sport.

Are there different types of acupuncture?

When treating patients, acupuncturists who adhere to more ancient Chinese concepts place special emphasis on balancing the qi (pronounced “chee”), or energy, in the body. Still, others use Western medicine, stimulating organs and systems with needles. Many acupuncturists use a hybrid of the two techniques.

Myofascial discomfort may also be treated with acupuncture, using a different technique. Muscles and the connective tissue around them are often grandiose by this disorder. Trigger points are painful knots that grow in muscles in response to tension, pressure, or injury. Pain from a trigger point in one muscle might radiate to another (referred pain). Trigger point treatment, which is used by acupuncturists, may relieve myofascial pain. To alleviate discomfort, they stimulate acupressure sites throughout the body.

How does it work?

According to traditional Chinese medicine, health is achieved when the yin and yang poles of the vital energy Qi (pronounced “chi”) are in equilibrium with one another. To those who advocate for this view, sickness results from an unbalance of these factors.


  • According to a paper published in 2017, several acupuncture points lie in locations where stimulation may influence the activity of numerous sensory neurons. Receptive fields are another name for these spots.
  • Needle insertion at certain points may enhance blood flow to specific areas of the body and alter how the brain and muscles interpret pain.


Using needles, acupuncture practitioners attempt to restore your body’s natural flow of life-affirming chi. From the standpoint of Western medicine, acupuncture activates multiple bodily systems. This may stimulate a recuperative process.

Typically, these needle insertion sites are located close to a person’s nerves. Because the needle stimulates the nerves, the body responds by releasing chemicals like endorphins. Acupuncturists say they are able to alleviate migraine and tension headache pain by stimulating the immunological and circulatory systems.

Is acupuncture safe?

When administered by a trained expert, acupuncture is safe and effective. Acupuncture needles in the United States are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). All needles must comply with the agency’s specifications, which include being made of steel, being solid, being sterile, being nontoxic, and having the appropriate labels. Needles for acupuncture are only to be used by trained specialists. Untrained acupuncturists might cause serious health problems. 

Will there be any other treatments besides acupuncture?

Don’t use acupuncture as a stopgap measure before consulting a doctor. A patient with persistent pain, for instance, may try both pharmaceuticals and acupuncture. A person with cancer might utilize acupuncture in addition to conventional cancer therapy. No matter how well acupuncture makes you feel, it is still important to take your recommended drugs.

What does the research say about acupuncture?

Low back pain

Short-term alleviation from low back pain may be possible with the use of acupuncture, according to a review of research conducted in 2015.

Low knee pain

In adults, knee pain from osteoarthritis is a major contributor to lost productivity. Knee pain and other physical symptoms of osteoarthritis and can cure by acupuncture.

Migraines and headaches:

The symptoms of migraines may be alleviate with acupuncture just as well as with other therapies, including medicine, according to a reliable source. The results persist longer, fewer medications, and there are less major consequences or side effects compare to the conventional therapies. Those who have suffered from migraines in the past may find relief from frequent acupuncture sessions.

Release depression:

One research compared the effectiveness of antidepressant medication and acupuncture for treating depressive symptoms. This data demonstrates that combining medicine with acupuncture may be beneficial. In addition, it has a high safety profile and little risk of adverse effects.

However, the results of the trials were inconclusive when it came to determining whether or not acupuncture is an effective therapy for depression. The author believes the results are sufficient to warrant further study. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has officially acknowledged acupuncture’s efficacy in treating various illnesses and their associated symptoms.


Acupuncture treatment is consider one of the best treatments in the whole world. It has a great cure for unbearable pains and has a safe treatment. It has a unique method and old tradition.

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