
How much does it cost to make an e-commerce app?

Choose the right platform


Choose the right platform. The platform can be iOS or Android. It depends on what platform you are developing your app on. This is because the cost differs from one platform to another. The same can be said when it comes to devices.

You have to consider the factors such as the percentage of people on the android or the IOS platform. Also, the time is taken to develop the app also plays a part in its price. If you make a native or hybrid app, the price will go up. When you compare them to each other, you can see that the native e-commerce app is more expensive to build than the hybrid one as the native apps are quicker.



The functionality of the app


Once you have made up your mind regarding the app, you will have to choose the technical aspects of the app. Added functionality and features to the app will make the app costly.


The cost differs from feature to feature. If the feature is complex and takes time to develop, it will be more expensive than a feature that can be quickly developed.


For this, you have to hire an app developer who will make the e-commerce app for you. The developer will eventually tell you about the cost of each feature, and thus he will give you an in-depth explanation of what is being developed and made.



The App Design


App design is also a very crucial point of e-commerce apps. This comprises an interface, screens, banners, effects, etc. This is something that gives your app a distinctive look. Users are attracted to the app. The Design cost can go from CAD 2000 to $30000.


When it comes to designing the whole app it might take from $21000 to $ 100,000. This includes the designing of the app, app registration costs, etc.


If you create the iOS e-commerce apps, it might take from $9000 to $90000. This is the price for native apps.


Developing a hybrid e-commerce app might take from $25000 to $150000. This includes admin panel developments, APIs, databases, app design, etc.


The price varies when it comes to different e-commerce stores. You can get the app designed from the bureau book department of the book printing services.



Getting the grasp of business requirement



You will eventually find out that most of the apps are SaaS-based. This means that they provide Software as a service. You have to pay only once for the e-commerce app you are getting made. However, the cost differs from one service to another.



Understanding Business Requirements


You will find apps that are SaaS (software as a service) based. You need to consider the e-commerce app cost as a one-time fixed cost which varies from vendor to vendor. Initially, there is a set-up fee for the app that you want to make for yourself. The app will include

  • Making the icon of the app.
  • Making the website go live.
  • Giving details about the features and explaining the product.
  • Different app colors for the backend system.
  • Posting the App on iOS and android.


Initially, all this will take about $1500.

The cost will mostly depend on the type of plan you choose for your e-commerce app. There can be different types of plans like a starter, advanced, professional, etc. These plans might be named under a different terminology when it comes to different services.

  • A starter plan might cost $ 1490 monthly. This might include the splash screen and different payment methods. You can display about a thousand products on your e-store.
  • The professional plan might be worth $2990 monthly. It might have the features of the starter plan. However, it would include additional features like a mobile website and bulk import. You might be able to add up to 5000 products to your app store.
  • The advance plan feature will cost about $5990 monthly. This will include all the features of the professional plan. However, you can add about 100000 products to the app.


When it comes to smaller businesses. A SaaS-based platform is recommended, and it is considered easy to use. There are plenty of service-based professionals that are offering this feature. You can compare the services provided by many service providers. Keep them side by side to make an analysis; thus, by this method, you can choose the best service possible.

However, the large business can go for one-time development. As they have a lot of money, they can also get customized e-commerce apps built for their purposes.


Basic Vs Complex functionality


The prices will differ with basic and advanced e-commerce features. The basic feature is added to all the apps. Even if they have complex functionality or not, we will discuss the basic and advanced features in detail.

  • Basic features include the CRUD system, registration, and shopping cart.
  • Advanced Feature: this includes recommendation systems, suggestions, etc


You can add plugins and add-ons to your e-commerce app. Some of the plug-ins are actually free, and you will find out that they will make a great addition to your website. App development is a critical stage at which you will need to hire different developers to create a website for you. The development stage will not involve app maintenance and app update fee. These costs will be kept separate and not included. Buying a license for your business will add to the product’s price.

The cost of the app will also be determined by the number of hours needed for the app to be developed.




As you can see in this article, we have mentioned a few factors that can be used to calculate the cost of an e-commerce app. Almost all the factors tell you that the price differs from one service to another. You can see that the cost might come in ranges. This is because each service provides you with quality services. Some services claim that they are above other services as they have well-experienced developers. Thus they charge more compared to other services.

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