
How to Develop a VR Game: A Simple Guide

With the impressive rise of headsets such as the Oculus Rift and the rest of the VR Company’s headsets, virtual reality games could become a big base for gaming in the near future. You might be interested in becoming a VR developer. If so, check out our guide for tips on VR, what it’s like to be a VR developer in real life, and how to start a business.

You might want to jump right in and start creating stunning, immersive pieces of virtual reality game art. But you have to start small.

What Is A Virtual Reality Game?

Virtual reality or VR games are immersive games that place the player in a fully 3D environment where they can interact with elements of the world of imagination. This is usually done by wearing VR glasses or a headset and the virtual reality market was valued at $15.81 billion in 2020.

Making a VR game is not easy. It requires extensive background in computer programming and Virtual Reality development is required. However, creating a high-end PC virtual reality game may be more difficult than an iPhone VR game, but it still requires great skill.

If you’re looking to get into a professional virtual reality game, the cost can range from $10,000 to $300,000. To play VR games, you need a VR headset, phone, PC, or game console that supports virtual reality games.

The next big question to answer is how much do virtual reality games cost? Prices vary, but games are relatively cheap compared to console games. Here prices range from $5 to $15.

VR Basic Concepts

  • Step by step

A scene is place where all the action takes place. All game objects and assets are also located here.

  • Game Assets

These are the assets or things that make up the scene of your game. These range from characters to lights, props, and more.

  • VR Gameplay

This is where you define the behavior of your game or how aspects react and interact with each other. A knowledge of mathematics will comes   handy here.

Remember the x, y, z axes? These are the basics for coordinating VR games. Your game should set 0, 0, 0 for all three to determine where the main starting point for action is.

  • Details, Details, Details

These are more specific details of the game assets in your game.  It includes textures, bump mapping, meshes, etc.

Virtual reality games

A virtual reality game needs a few things. Requires some kind of VR headset. These range from $500 to $800, depending on quality and brand and the global shipments of virtual and augmented reality headsets shipments in 2020 amounted to 5.5 million units.

Physical Space

Playing VR games requires a dedicated space. Especially when it involves extensive physical activity. The virtual reality games you can play are:

  • Batman: Arkham VR
  • Beat Saber
  • Tetris Effect
  • Half-Life: Alyx
  • Superhot
  • Pistol Whip
  • Keep Talking, And Nobody Explodes

What are the best virtual reality games?

Beat Saber has won awards such as Steam for its fast-paced action.

The best free VR apps


Top Virtual Reality apps for Android and Virtual Reality apps for iPhone.

  • Google Expedition
  • Google Arts and Culture
  • Cardboard Camera
  • Discovery VR
  • GoPro VR
  • YouTube VR
  • Zombie Shooter VR

What are the best VR apps for iPhones?

  • VRSE
  • NYT VR
  • Orbulus…
  • Scene
  • Jaunt VR
  • Intel VR
  • Sisters: A Virtual Reality Ghost Story

There are many different phone models that are compatible with virtual reality games. Find a comprehensive list to see if you can access VR games from your phone.

Google Cardboard is the best free Virtual Reality for Android.

How to become a VR developer

A VR game developer is someone who creates VR experiences for game consoles, mobile platforms, and PCs.

If you want to become a Virtual Reality AR developer, you should have a good knowledge of computers and coding. A degree in computer science or a related field. Skills in video editing, 3D modeling, rendering, and experience with game engines such as Unity are required.

Use VR Building Blocks to Guide

Getting back to the basics of virtual reality gaming is always a worthwhile exercise, especially if you run into problems with your project.

Key aspects of virtual reality worth highlighting are:

Know how to make games. It can use   number of engines, such as Unity or Unreal.

Understand programming languages: Languages ​​such as C++ and C# are useful for programming games. Knowing these things is very useful for game creation.

Assets: How to create, import, and use various graphic assets to structure your game world.

Master VR developer skills

This is where this second building block   comes into  limelight. It is highly recommended that one knows or is at least familiar with  one programming language.

Other valuable tools and skills available are familiarities with various game engines and the best of VR apps. Perhaps the collaborations and conversations with other VR developers are overlooked throughout this process and you can get a lot of knowledge from other developers on how to create VR games.

What Is The Best Engine For VR Development?

This may be a subjective opinion, but many VR developers seem to like Unity as their game engine.

Once developers choose a game engine that’s right for the team, they need to make sure the hardware is okay to complete the task of VR development. Any aspect of a pre-development project can change an important part of the process.

If you’re targeting more casual folks, the hardware may not need to be all that powerful. However, if you want to create a graphically stunning game, you should prepare good graphics card and a high-end PC.

VR Vacancies

The job prospects for VR developers are very good. Virtual reality games are seen by many as the future of the video game industry, and jobs could increase.

Even if the entire virtual reality gaming industry collapses, your knowledge will be very useful if you later decide to become a game designer or developer. It’s a win-win situation.

VR developer salaries range from $60,000 to $134,000.

Developing VR and AR applications

Developing virtual and augmented reality games is like any other creative and focused project. Take your time, avoid burnout, and experiment.

Avoid Burnout

Especially for workaholics, this can be difficult. It’s easy to get into a game’s rigorous development process, but you need to set some boundaries, create a realistic work plan, and stick to it. Burnout happens in the blink of an eye and keep you away from getting back on schedule.

Experimenting with VR development

It’s all about pushing creative boundaries. Don’t be afraid to try new and exciting ideas. Perhaps your unique idea is just what a potential game needs to stand out.

VR Headset

  • Oculus Rift S PC-Powered VR Gaming Headset
  • Oculus Quest All-in-one VR Gaming Headset – 64GB
  • HTC Vive Cosmos Elite Virtual Reality System
  • Sony PlayStation VR


Besides entertainment, VR games can be used for various types of training and virtual reality therapy. VR games are different from augmented reality games, where digital content is integrated into the user’s real-world environment. If you are looking for virtual reality game developers, then hire ADP developers for quality VR services.

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