
How to get rid of pests from invading your house

pest control Hyderabad

How to get rid of pests from invading your house

Pest control Hyderabad – As the weather turns a little cooler, all manner of critters, rodents, and insects want to start calling your house home.

Since the best defense is a good offense, you should start by sealing off suspicious entry points, which can include gaps in your air vents or tiny vulnerabilities near where your cable enters your home. .

Walk around the entire exterior of your home and look for any crevices or openings large enough to let in light or air. As pests are extremely resourceful and persistent.

How to Close the Pest Window of Opportunity

Mice can squeeze through holes that aren’t much bigger than a thimble and larger pests like opossums and raccoons unfortunately also have the same entrepreneurial spirit when it’s cold enough. These larger creatures only need a space about as wide as a soccer ball to get inside.

Pest control services call the process of examining your home’s exterior and patching up any vulnerabilities you encounter exclusion, since you’re preventing critters, pests, and insects from making inroads.

Squirrels can also be a problem for pest control Hyderabad and surrounding areas so check for gaps in your roof, garage, and basement, too. Dryer damper doors, chimneys and gutters should also be checked periodically.

Doors and windows are pests’ best friends

Too many homeowners run quickly around their homes looking for large holes near bushes and shrubbery and call it a day of emptying.

Thinking they’ve done the arduous legwork of fall to avoid winter troubles, they’re later shocked to hear scratches and the telltale crackle of raccoons and other uninvited guests in January.

All of this could probably have been avoided if these same owners took the time to fix the torn screens on their doors and windows. Torn screens and worn weatherstripping are the two main suspects that pest control specialists often bring up in their troubleshooting process.

Repairing worn weatherstripping is a surefire way to reduce the chances that small insects can slip into your home undetected. Using caulking or applying foam sealant around your windows and door frames can also close the door to harmful invaders.

Secondary measures: check your garden, roof and foundations

These checks wouldn’t be on the top of most homeowners lists, but the truth is, you should be looking in your garden at the end of the fall season.

Gardens can be breeding grounds for various insects and provide shelter for rodents until they strive to make their big escape into your warm home this cold season. Cutting weeds, shrubs and bushes and keeping plants and yard waste at least a few feet from the outside of your home gives pests less of a chance to thrive.

Pest control services say tree branches, especially those that wind their way up to second-story bedrooms. Can be a way for insects and small pests to slip into your home undetected.

Squirrels and raccoons have also been known to use tree branches. As a means of entering your home through your roof soffit and fascia.

Your roof

Gaps and vulnerabilities in the underside of your roof. Especially around the soffit and fascia, are prime places for wasps to build nests.  All sorts of small to medium sized pests like squirrels and raccoons. To sneak into your house under cover of darkness. It’s definitely something you don’t want.

Remember to be careful on the ladders during a visual inspection and don’t hesitate to call a nearby pest control services specialist if you feel overwhelmed or your roof is too high to safely perform a thorough inspection.

Your Foundation

Another motivation for doing a thorough inspection of your home’s exterior. Is that you might come across recent vulnerabilities in your home’s siding.

Your home may have recently had its foundation slightly shifted or suffered rot damage. Which can leave gaps near your home’s siding large enough for critters to enter your home.

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