
How To Make Animated Videos For Your Business

You must have done your research, and now you are here to learn how custom animation video services work. They are remarkable when it comes to drawing potential customers from the market because of how attention-grabbing they really can be. Moreover, the consistency they let a business have in generating a good ROI throughout is outstanding. If you think, what more do you need? All you need to do is take the next step toward creating an animated video for your brand. But, before doing that, it will be helpful to learn a little about the whole process.


Every animation video process needs planning and analysis. This video will reach your customers to convince them to do business with you. It does deserve to be thoroughly planned, right? Most people think that making these videos is just as easy as watching them; well, this is where they are wrong. It can be quite overwhelming and challenging because you practically are planning to lure customers to your business with the power of visuals. If you successfully connect your customers with the brand correctly, the results can be flabbergasting. Many such examples can be easily found today. 


Let us get started right away. 


  • Define The Concept

Just as you will never agree to live in a house without strong foundations, you should never agree to release a video with an incomplete concept or weak base. A solid concept is necessary for your video to do wonders and interact with customers. 


The process must be done keeping in mind the message you want to send. If that message is blurry and not clear, your video will be nothing more than a flop. No one knows your business better than you; use that power to harness the wonders of animation videos. 


Ensure to keep revolving your video around the core idea, and it will start making sense. Viewers these days have gotten smart; they can see what the video will be about right from the start. If it gets boring, they will leave, and you surely would not want that to happen. 


  • Write The Script

The script lets you break down the whole story in the best way. The custom video animation services focus on this step quite thoroughly because how the video is executed matters the most when it comes to its success. Where it takes place, who are the characters, or anything that helps you make a fine video must be discussed here. 


Neglecting this primary step can result in your video turning out bad. With much competition out in the market, this is the chance you can afford to take. Moreover, a well-written script helps you by sticking the idea with its implementation, which is crucial. What you want to tell your customers must make sense in the video. 


  • Create A Perfect Storyboard

After working on the concept of your video, the next step you should focus on is creating a storyboard. The storyboard is the visual implementation of the script. Here, the frame of the future video is illustrated. This step helps you a lot with the storytelling and aesthetics of the video.


Moreover, it can also help you see that what you actually envisioned in the beginning will not be doing you any good. So, you can change it to something that actually helps you get customers. Many tools allow storyboarding to be done quite easily. You can go for the one that aligns best with your goal. 


  • Work On The Illustrations

At this step, your video will be finally looking somewhat in shape. Now will be the perfect time to work on characters, scenarios, and objects soon to be implemented in the final product. Specialized software is used to make these illustrations. Working on layers is suggested as you can focus on one thing at a time. 


Every layer must have a different scene interpreted. In the first layer, you can add your character. The second layer can add the background and the third layer can show the movement of your character. Stacking the layers together will let the whole frame be seen. 


Why is it important to work in layers? If everything is on one layer and you need your protagonist to shake hands, the whole background will be shaking with it. 


  • Record The Voiceover

Here your whole script is brought to life by adding the voiceover. Dialogues and narrations are recorded and implemented in the video so it can start making sense. You can hire voiceover actors to do it for you, which will cost more. We suggest you do it yourself with the help of your friends and save some extra bucks. Grab the microphones, attach them to your computers and start recording. 


  • Develop An Animatic

This element focuses on the length of each frame to be perfectly aligned with the voiceover. The frame being mismanaged and going out of the voiceover will make the whole video look unprofessional. Your video has to align with the voiceover lines so it looks perfectly presentable. 


  • Add Music And Sound Effects

Now that most work is over, we are left with adding the background sounds and music. Your video can become so interesting if the right background music is added. The sound effects matter if they are perfectly added according to the video frames. Be it an animatin video for a logo animation company or any other, it has to have the perfect music and sound effects. They can make your video so much more interesting and effective, which is what you should focus on the most. 



There you are; this is how custom video animation services can be made according to your business. Every business has different needs and requirements which means that the animation process will also differ. However, if the steps mentioned above are correctly followed, you can surely make a top-notch animated video according to your business. In the coming days, the worth of animation videos will increase more. You need to know how they can help your business survive in this competition.

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