
Logo Colors: Deciding The Best For Your Brand

A logo is synonymous with a brand. Think about iconic brands like Starbucks, McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola. As soon as someone mentions their name, their logo designs pop up in mind. That’s because logos are practically shorthand for the business, which is why 75% of people will recognize a brand by its logo.

Brands hire logo design services to create unique and attractive logos to showcase what the brand has to offer and its story. It’s a clever visual with various elements, one element that makes up the logo’s story in color.

Color can say a lot about the brand’s identity, and for new brands, it can become a way to position themselves apart from competitors.

What Do Logo Colors Mean?

Almost everyone knows about color psychology, which explains how colors impact emotions. Professional design services utilize it as well to create logos and other designs. But what do the colors mean for logos?

1. Red Logos

Red draws immediate attention and symbolizes excitement, passion, or anger. It’s a stand-out color and is perfect for those brands that want to look loud, youthful, and modern. Scientists believe that red is one of the first colors people start to see. Red is a powerful choice for a logo color, whether used in the whole logo or as an accent.

Coca Cola logo on its can

2. Orange Logos

If red is a bit much for your brand, but you want to retain that youthful and playful feel, try orange instead. It’s less common than red but is just as energetic. However, it’s a color you should avoid if you want to look serious or expensive.

3. Blue Logos

Blue is one of the most popular colors for logos. It exudes calmness, confidence, and trust. It also symbolizes maturity. Brands that want to be taken seriously and as trustworthy should definitely consider using blue. However, they need to remember that it’s a common color for logos, so they’ll need to find a way to use it without fading into the background. However, avoid it if you’re in the food service industry, as some research indicates it can suppress appetite.

4. Green Logos

Green can be used for any type of business because it is a versatile color. It best represents brands that associate with the natural world, veganism, wellness, or eco-friendly products or services. It can still be used for any business. The most iconic green logo is of the global chain of coffeehouses, Starbucks.

Starbucks café green logo

5. Purple Logos

Purple can look cutting-edge and wise, and it’s also where the rainbow gets luxurious. The luxurious feel is mostly because of its history. In the past, purple dye was expensive, and only the wealthy wore purple. So apart from a luxurious feel, purple is a great color if you want your brand to look playful and expensive.

How To Choose A Logo Color

Consumers consciously and subconsciously will pick a brand that aligns with their personal identity, and that’s why you need to be careful when picking logo colors for your brand. A logo represents a brand identity, and its color represents the brand’s personality traits. Of course, you can always hire design services to handle your logo, but you should still be aware of what to look for.

1. Combining Logo Color

While you can always get away with focusing only on a brand’s traits if you’re playing around with a single color, if you want to combine colors, they need to work together. There are three ways to combine color:

  • Analogous Color Combination –Colors next to one another on the color wheel.
  • Complementary Color Combination –Colors that are opposite to each other and contrast well.
  • Triadic Color Combination –Three colors are selected from an equilateral triangle (of the color wheel) opposite each other.

Pro tip: you don’t have to select multiple colors in equal proportions. Pick one dominant shade and use the others as accents in small doses to elevate the logo’s look.

2. Understanding the Cultural Impact

If you have a brand that has a global scope, you should be aware of the symbolic meanings of colors before using them in your logo. You have to take in the cultural context and the color’s impact. For example, green is associated with money in America because the dollar is green. But if you create a logo based on that, it won’t work in other countries because green might mean something else entirely to them.

Similarly, red is a lucky color in China, representing health, happiness, beauty, fortune, and success. However, if you were to write a name in red in Korea, the local public would consider it a bad omen. This is why global brands hire top logo designers to ensure that their logo is done right and is not culturally insensitive.

ed decorations for Chinese New Year to symbolize good luck

3. Stand Out From The Competition

An effective logo will make people recognize your brand immediately. Sometimes, the most obvious logo color choice isn’t the right choice for your brand. It’s just the right choice for a business like yours. That’s why logo colors get overused in some industries. For example, if you run a Google search of café logos, it’ll turn up logos with mostly beige or brown tones. By using a brown logo, your brand will become lost in the noise. Instead, pick a logo color that’ll be more meaningful for your audience.

Looking for Design Services in Miami?

Logos are essential to any business; you won’t find any business without one. It helps with brand identity and says a lot about your business without any words. That’s why you should always hire professional logo design services you can trust, like The Netmen Corp. It’s a graphic design company that listens to your ideas and offers 100% personalized design services.

You can get packaging designs, NFT illustrations, brochure designs, and more at combo packages. If you’re looking for graphic designers in Miami, contact them for more information on their services!

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