Health and Fitness

Quick ways to check if your ADHD Treatment is Working – or Not

It is often said that when there are too many answers, the correct one is at stake. The same applies to learning disabilities and finding the best practices to overcome challenges in students and adults.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one such learning difficulty. It was not considered a problem looking back a while ago but is now promptly increasing in both adults and children. About one in 50 children have been diagnosed with moderate to severe ADHD. Since the rise of the diagnosis, its claimed treatments have taken a toll. Trusting the correct solution is now a task of its own.

The challenge with ADHD is that it affects people differently, and the same goes for its medication. Stimulants mainly control impulsive behavior and improve focus by increasing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, primarily dopamine. This hormone transmits signals between nerves; however, the stimulant doesn’t work the same for all and differs from person to person.

Studies have shown that the medication works 70% of the time in adults and in children. Although the results might not be obvious at first or some may experience side effects before any improvement in their condition. What works as a catalyst to the medicines or even an alternative in some cases is adequate brain training? Different means used to improve focus can directly help to cope with ADHD.

The goal of the medication is to receive the best outcome with minimal side effects. And to achieve that, you must make sure to take the right dosage along with the prescribed timing.

Some signs that can help you indicate that your treatment is working well for you, are as follows:

1) Feeling less anxious

2) Experiencing fewer mood changes

3) Balancing different emotions effectively

4) Increase in attention and focus

5) Managing time and sleep schedule

6) Performing tedious tasks with motivation

7) Following a routine

8) Consciously controlling impulsive behaviors

9) Avoiding distractions like excess social media

These symptoms can easily help you figure out your condition. To further ensure one effective way is to ask family members or friends to give feedback on our changing behaviors.

How to find the right medication

There are typically two types of ADHD medications: stimulants and non-stimulants.

Stimulants take a short time to work, often less than an hour, but might come with its side effects. However, it can take days or weeks for non-stimulants to have their full therapeutic effect but are a safe option to consider.

Some people have beneficial outcomes on the first day of taking medication, and for most people, it takes a few tries to discover the proper prescription and dosage. So, there is absolutely nothing to worry about until your doctor has it under control.

When to change your medication

To tell whether medication is working or not, it is important to initially understand what it is designed to do. Some basic improvements that are observed in people opting for ADHD treatments – medicine-based or training-based – include reduced fidgeting and disrupting behavior and improvement in task management and home relationship.

Although, if you are going through the following changes, chances are that your medication isn’t working well for you.

  • A pattern of weight loss or an inability to eat
  • Change in personality or inability to sense emotions
  • Increased hyperactivity and irritability.

What things should you know if your child Is taking ADHD Medication?

ADHD is relatively common in children, and those who have been identified with it should be monitored closely.

Some things to look out for in your child to help them improve are:

  • Medicines should strictly be followed according to the prescription.
  • Try to start the medication on the weekend, so you can see how your child reacts to it.
  • Try to keep to a regular schedule, so you can follow the improvements accordingly.
  • If you miss a dose, go back to the regular prescribed dosage, don’t try to catch up by giving additional doses.
  • Try to notice the smallest of changes in their attention span.

Also, know that factors such as a healthy diet, good sleep, a positive environment, and expert training can be influencers of any medical treatment. Trusting your child with experienced trainers can be a wise selection when it comes to choosing the best solution among all. Consider medication-free options to overcome ADHD and allow for natural scientific approaches to battle the condition. Cognitive training & strengthening is one such option & can drastically help with improving attention, fighting distraction & impulsivity without any drugs.

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