Health and Fitness

Safety for swimming

Whatever the purpose for which an individual attends a public swimming pool, there are certain rights and obligations that must be fulfilled to ensure the good of all. In the case of sports, the safety measures for swimming are aimed at the normal development of this discipline.

Basic safety in swimming pools

The International Swimming Federation (FINA) clearly establishes in its latest edition of the regulation of swimming facilities that all entities that have swimming pools for public use must comply with the legislation in force in that country in terms of safety for these facilities with lifeguard training.

First of all, the presence of lifeguards is alwaSimilarly, swimmers competing over long distances such as 5,000 meters are allowed to leave the water for safety reasons if necessary, although the time they record includes this stop.

However, also in closed enclosures, preventive actions are taken to avoid bad drinking and to comply with the necessary safety for swimming. As already mentioned, the presence of health professionals who know how to give first aid is always important. ys essential, even in pools used for sports training. The athlete, when beginning to exercise, must be sure that this professional is in the place and has noticed their presence.

They must also have the necessary materials to carry out their function in case of emergencies. Likewise, prevention materials such as board floats for children and life jackets must be available to users.

Hygiene is also part of swimming safety

Anyone who uses the facilities of a public swimming pool must have medical approval declaring that they are free from skin conditions (such as mycosis or pediculosis). Likewise, those suffering from contagious diseases, such as viral ones, should refrain from entering these waters with lifeguard training.

Other mandatory actions include showering before and after the stay in the pool, wearing swimming caps, and, of course, being respectful of other swimmers. Not running or jumping from forbidden spaces, as well as not entering the enclosure food or drinks – and less in glass containers – are also details that contribute to safety for swimming.

Even in professional competition

At a competitive and professional level, swimming in open water is probably the riskiest modality. And that is why specific safety measures must be taken. For example, these athletes use safety buoys and are followed by boats with specialists who make sure that everything runs normally and safely.

Likewise, the swimmer must take care of his physique before training or competing. For this, it is vital to warm up before and stretch at the end of the activity. Also of central importance is having a properly prepared and supervised training routine by a physical activity professional.

Infant Swimming Safety

When talking about children’s swimming, it is clear that safety measures need to be further strengthened. In this sense, a key point is the constant supervision of an adult for lifeguard training. There is no way that children can be left in the water. Without someone to watch them, even for a minute.

In addition, it is important to be extremely careful with the places. Where children jump into the water to avoid blows. If the children are still learning, they should use the necessary equipment, such as sleeves or life jackets.

If these items are used, the child should not jump into the pool from a higher surface. This could cause the security element to come off or break. Another possibility is that it hurts the child’s skin from rubbing.

In addition, it is very important to progress progressively in terms of the difficulty and demands of the classes. In order to avoid also being scared or associating this activity with negative thoughts.

Finally, we must also consider basic preventive measures for all people. Wait a few hours after eating to go swimming, use sunscreen if the activity is carried out outdoors. Do a thorough warm-up beforehand and stretch at the end of the training. In this way, we can swim safely and without risks!

Must Read: Main benefits of swimming

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