Health and Fitness

The Best Way to Treatment for Stomach Pain without Medication!

The Best Way to Treatment for Stomach Pain without Medication!

A stomach pain comes its own way but we need a proper treatment for stomach pain to say goodbye. Everyone has his choices for doing so. Some prefer medicinal approaches and some like herbal home remedies. You can opt for any treatment for stomach pain. But what if we try a non-medicinal method for stomach pain treatment? Isn’t it interesting?

Why a Non-Medicinal Approach? 

Whenever a stomach pain initiates, you cannot always visit a physician immediately. You may avoid a visit to the physician because you have a busy schedule, or you are on a journey. Similarly, you could not use a home remedy if you are not at home. There may be any reason for delay. A know-how of a non-medicinal approach will be advantageous in such emergencies.

What is the Efficacious Treatment for Stomach Pain? 

Just like other medical approaches for stomach pain, we have a variety of treatments for stomach pain. We can call these treatments as a way of self-medication to deal with emergencies. It is like you can first aid yourself easily in any sort of stomach cramp by these treatments.

Skip a Meal

Mainly, stomach pain in most of the cases arises due to digestive issues. A person eats several meals a day with little no physical activity. He eats more than his appetite. Thus, he burdened his stomach with overeating. In such cases, it is preferable to skip a meal and save your stomach. Moreover, add something light and easy to digest in your next meal. These may be juices, plain white rice, broth, banana, etc.

Laying Down in a Comfortable Posture

Suppose you suddenly feel a stomach pain in the middle of night. What will you do in such circumstances? Go for a checkup? You should go but this idea is not right when it’s dark outside. You can then try to find a comfortable posture to pass the time. Normally, a stomach pain goes by such an act but if not you still have an option to use any medication as your physician’s recommendation. Laying down with your arms and hands on the area where you feel pain, helps you a lot.

Normally females suffer from menstrual cramps. Finding a comfortable posture is the quickest way for them to stay calm. They can lay down on their bed or a couch with legs slightly upward at an angle less than 60 degrees. You can adjust the angle of your legs with your body as per your choice. See which angle makes you feel more comfortable.

Nap for a While 

According to modern research, stomach pain may arise when a person is stressed. We cannot neglect this statement when all of us are bearing environmental and physiological stresses in any way. The biological explanation for this statement is that our kidney controls our emotions by an autonomic system. Stress, depression, and anger- all of them activates this systems which retards the digestive activity of the body. Hence, a person experiences stomach pain in his depressive mood.

Now the question is, how to deal with such conditions? Do not panic because of stomach pain. Lay down in your favourite sleeping position and sleep well. It will refresh your mind and give you a positive energy for doing things. Your stomach pain will go away automatically, all you have to do is sleep well.

Use a Massage Therapy 

Gently massage the affected area with oil. Oil massage in severe constipation helps in passing the stool that blocks the digestive passage and causes stomach pain.

Deep Breathing for Relaxing 

Stomach pain is also linked with exhausted and depressive moods. Leave whatever you are doing and take a deep breath. It is preferable to change your location and inhale some fresh air. Do not think about the pain and panic situation. Meditate all good things that ever happened to you. This short mediation therapy will then defeat the stomach pain.

Intake More Water

Water is necessary for life. When we drink water, it dissolves all the toxins along its passage and rolls them down. In addition to this, when this water passes down in the intestine, it puts a pressure on the choked stool that may cause stomach pain. It helps in regulation of intestinal bowel movement.

Use a Hot Water Bag 

When we put a hot water bag on the area where we feel stomach pain, it relaxes the abdominal muscles. As a result we feel comfortable again.

Try Some Yoga Exercises

Yoga is more like a self-meditation that puts together all of your positive energies. It boosts up your body mechanisms. Yoga refreshes your mind. It regulates digestion rate, heart rate and blood circulation in an optimum way. Thus, it can be a treatment for stomach pain as well.


Non-medical approaches of treatment for stomach pain (pait dard ka ilaj) are beneficial when we are in a haste. However, do not neglect your pain for a long time. Consult your physician and prescribe a relevant medication.

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