
Why is Formative Assessment Important in Childcare?

Formative assessments are regular assessments used by the tutors to check the performance/understanding of the children. The overall goal of the formative assessment is used to check the student and children’s performance also.

In this, teacher monitors the pupils learning by providing regular feedback on what they have done till now and what areas they are lacking. Students who are doing nursing or childcare related courses often have to make an assignment on the formative assessment, and they need childcare assignment help to complete their assignment.

Do you know why formative assessment is important? If not, then you are at the right place. We are going to discuss many things regarding this assessment. But first, let us discuss its importance.

Formative assessment can take various forms, from verbal feedback to informal quizzes. To make it more effective, it should be taken daily. Below are some reasons behind the importance of formative assessment.

Helps teachers to develop students’ understanding further

By taking help from the formative assessments, teachers know in what areas students are not performing well. They understand the problems and solutions of them. And after knowing the problems, they can make their plan for future learning.

Gives children clear learning goals

It does not only help the tutors but also give insights to the student regarding their learning. After getting results, students know their weak areas, and they can work on them by giving more time to them.

Thus formative assessment also helps the children to clear their learning goals. To know more about it, seek assignment help to learn about it.

Increases student engagement

Formative assessment also helps the student engage with other classmates. Students can ask their doubts about each other; they will also get a solution. It helps in building trust in them. So indirectly, it increases student engagement with each other. Seek childcare assignment help to know more about it.

Help in getting good grades or academic achievement

When students know what areas they lack, they will work on them. It helps in getting good grades which increases their overall academic score.

Help in making a good decision by providing accurate data

These studies or assessments provide accurate data related to the children, which also help get better decisions regarding the assignment. By analysing these data, students can increase their engagement and learning.

Reduced the learning gaps of the students

Sometimes there is a learning gap between the students; they lack certain areas where they need more focus. To get rid of these learning gaps, a student requires formative assessment. To know more about it, seek childcare assignment help.

So these are some important formative assessments. Now let us talk about how you can increase classroom learning by using formative assessment.

Ways to increase the classroom learning by using formative assessment

Generally, there are five ways – quality questioning, upgrades check-up-ins, the self-assessment, Student-generated questions, Exit slips etc.

Quality questioning:

As a tutor, you spend much time asking questions from the students. But when you ask certain questions, which stimulate students’ minds about the simple level, you have a perfect tool for the formative assessment. Use the words how or why to ask your questions. Seek assignment help to know more about this.

Upgrades check-up-ins

Use some verbal or paper-based feedback to know more about their knowledge. Show them a presentation and then take their mini practise sessions to enhance their learning. Also, check and analyse their understanding by asking certain key questions.


Tell students to design their questions. Also then, tell them to share their question with their classmates. Make a small group and veto the number of questions related to your learning assessment. It helps in thinking and reasoning. Get assignment help for this if needed.

Exit slips:

At the end of the class, ask students to note down some responses. Analyse their responses, see how they are giving your answer and modify the next questions accordingly.

So by following these ways, you can increase classroom learning. If you are students who want to know more about the formative assessment, then take help from the Online Assignment Expert. Because they have the best assignment provider all over Australia. They provide varieties of services like:

  • They have highly qualified academic experts who are always ready to help you.
  • They also provide academic writing training so that in future you can write your academic writing work by yourself.
  • Give guarantee of getting high grades on the assignment. So do not worry about it.
  • 24/7 available for you. Day/night, any time you can clear your doubts.

One to live session also if needed. By doing so, you can clear all your doubts.

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