Home Improvement

How to Keep Your Parmak Fence Charger Clean and Effective

Using a Parmak fence charger, you need to keep it clean and practical. To ensure it is operating at its best, there are several steps to take.

Solid-state vs. low-impedance fence chargers

An electric fence is a safe, convenient way to protect your property. While there are many choices on the market, two types of chargers are commonly used in this type of application: low impedance and solid state. Before purchasing a fencer, you’ll need to decide which is suitable for you.

Low-impedance chargers are designed to shock through weeds and vegetation. They can also offer a high amperage shock. A solid-state fencer is better for small animals and animals with a bit of fur.

Both are designed to provide a safe, effective shock. When choosing a charger, you’ll want to be sure that it is manufactured from the highest quality materials. It should be durable and affordable. Also, make sure that you read reviews of electric fencers.

The best electric fence chargers are made by professional manufacturers who put a lot of time and effort into researching and creating items that will last. In addition, they should be labeled to indicate that the product has been tested and is safe for use.

Check your fence at the farthest point.

Parmak offers a range of quality fence chargers. There are several models to choose from, from high-tensile multi-wire fences to poly wire. In addition, with their exclusive performance meter, Parmak customers can rest assured that their wall is in good hands.

If your Parmak Fence Charger is old, it may need to be replaced. However, if your charger is new, you can perform a few tests to ensure it is functioning as it should.

The best way to test a fence charger is with an electric fence tester. This gadget can help you measure the voltage and power and even check the condition of your line.

Connecting the charger to a working power source should be one of the first steps. It can also be helpful to install a surge protector between the fence charger and the electrical outlet. Using a voltmeter to measure the output of a fence charger is a lot more reliable than a hand-held one.

Create a hot/ground circuit

To keep your Parmak fence charger working effectively and cleanly, creating a hot/ground circuit is essential. A hot/ground fence is a multi-wire fence that alternates wires on the positive side of the fencer. It is necessary to maintain the voltage, which will prevent livestock from going through your electric fence.

To create a grounding system, you should first consider the amount of land you have. Then, you should install the grounding system at least 75 feet from the fence energizer.

The most basic grounding system consists of three 10-foot galvanized ground rods. Adding additional ground rods can be a good solution if your soil is rocky or dry.

Another critical step is to use a volt meter to test the effectiveness of your grounding system. But, again, this can be done on a routine basis.

The digital volt meter is a great way to measure the performance of your grounding system. If the reading is under 200V, you have an adequate plan. However, if the reading is more than 200V, it may mean that your grounding system needs an upgrade.

Determine the rating of a fence charger

The rating of a Parmak fence charger depends on several factors. All important considerations include the power of the unit, the number of wires, and the length of the fence. However, some misleading claims try to cloud the issue.

Many of the imported fencers use the joule rating as a marketing ploy. But unfortunately, while it is a good indicator of the device’s capacity, there are better performance measures.

The joule is a measurement of energy, but it does not provide a measure of shock effectiveness. Therefore, it is also not recognized as a measurement by the Canadian Standard Association and Underwriters Laboratories.

The most effective electric fencer will be able to generate the most joules in the shortest period. To know which charger is best, consider the following:

Generally, the longer the fence line, the more joules it can produce. For example, a five-wire fence that is 0.6 miles long can be powered by a three-mile fence charger.

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