Computers and Technology

How to Start Dropshipping With WordPress in Easy Steps

Dropshipping is one of the best ways to sell high-margin products from home, but it can be hard to get started if you don’t have a lot of money to invest up front. To help you out, this guide will walk you through the easiest way to start dropshipping with WordPress, no upfront investment required. By following the steps below, you’ll be selling physical and digital goods in just minutes!

Dropshipping has become one of the hottest trends on the internet, and with its growing popularity, you might be wondering how to start dropshipping with WordPress. If you’re unfamiliar with the practice, here’s an overview of what dropshipping is and why it’s so popular. Dropshipping allows you to sell items without having to purchase them or order them from a vendor yourself.

What is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a business model where you don’t need to keep any inventory and simply create web pages or online stores that sell other people’s products. When a sale is made, the supplier will ship the goods directly to the customer and provide you with the tracking number so that you can easily track it. All you need is an ecommerce platform such as Shopify or WooCommerce, a domain name, hosting, SSL certificate and dropshipping software like Oberlo.

Dropshipping is a form of e-commerce that enables you to sell products without having any physical inventory. Instead, when a product is sold, the dropshipper will simply purchase the item from a wholesaler and have it shipped directly to the customer’s door. The key benefit of dropshipping is that you can start your store with little upfront investment. You’ll only have to pay for the product once it has been purchased.

Why Use WordPress for Dropshipping?

Dropshipping on WordPress is the best option for a few reasons. There are plugins that can help you manage your inventory and shipping process, making it easier to run your store when it’s up and running. Most themes have built-in support for popular e-commerce solutions like WooCommerce and Shopify so if you’re looking for a platform on which to build your dropshipping business, WordPress is the way to go.

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) which means it can do just about anything you want without any coding. It’s also easy to use, with a WYSIWYG editor, meaning that you can easily see what your site will look like as you build it. WordPress is great for dropshipping because it has many features which are perfect for ecommerce – the most notable being WooCommerce, the best ecommerce plugin available today.

Steps to to Start Dropshipping With WordPress

Set Up a WordPress Website and Install WooCommerce

To start dropshipping with WordPress, you’ll first need a WordPress website. You can either use a free theme or purchase a premium one. Once you have your WordPress website set up, the next step is installing WooCommerce. Once installed and activated, the next thing you need to do is create an online store and add some products. Finally, add links from your blog posts that have something to do with the product being sold and bam! Your online store will be live!

Setting up a website and installing WooCommerce is a straightforward process, and you can hire WordPress developers for hire to do it. There are a number of ways you could set up your website, so be sure to do some research before deciding on a platform.

Acquire An SSL Certificate

You can get SSL certificates from a variety of providers, like Let’s Encrypt and Cloudflare. There are also free options available if you’re not making enough money and don’t want to pay for it. Keep in mind that your hosting provider is most likely going to require an SSL certificate before they will allow you to have an online store. So be sure you discuss this with them as soon as possible so that there aren’t any surprises later down the line.

You’ll need an SSL certificate for your domain name. This is a security measure for your site that ensures no sensitive information is being transmitted without encryption. You can purchase a certificate from a third-party provider like SSLMate, or you can buy an SSL certificate from us when you sign up with SiteGround. If you’re using our hosting services, we can get it set up for you automatically at no additional cost.

Choose a Theme and Design Your Site

The first step of creating a dropshipping website is choosing a theme and designing your site. There are many different themes available for free and paid, but the two that we recommend are Divi Theme and WooCommerce Theme. Divi Theme has a drag-and-drop builder that makes it easy to customize the look of your site and WooCommerce Theme is specifically designed for ecommerce stores. Both are easy to use so you can start building your store immediately.

Add Products to Your Store

To add products to your store, you will need to create a new post on your blog. This post should be titled the same as the product and include a description of the product as well as its price. If you want to sell more than one of these products, you can list them all in one post by adding an additional paragraph with each product listed. To make it easier for shoppers to find the products they are looking for, it is best to place them into categories or tags.

Purchase and Install the WooCommerce Dropshipping Add-on

The WooCommerce Dropshipping Add-on has many features that help you manage your dropshipping business from within the WooCommerce interface. One of the most useful functions is the ability to generate links for a product that can be used on your website and for customer orders. Once you’ve installed the add-on, go ahead and click on ‘Products’ from the main menu bar.

Configure Your Dropshipping Settings

Visit the Settings tab of your dashboard and find the section labeled Dropshipping. Here you can connect your store with a wholesale supplier and set up a payment processor. The next step is to upload a product feed – this will allow your store’s inventory to be automatically updated when new products are added by your supplier. The last thing you need to do is enable the Dropshipping toggle located on the same page for each product that you want to make available for dropshipping.

Dropshipping Services and Plugins

Dropshipping is a great way for beginners to try their hand at ecommerce without spending a fortune on inventory. WordPress developers for hire can help you set up your store and integrate the right plugins to make it easy. If you’re worried about not having any products, there are many wholesale suppliers that sell everything from clothing to electronics. These companies will also ship your orders and provide customer service so that all you have to do is fulfill the order by sending the product.

Dropshipping is a retail model that allows entrepreneurs to import and resell products without holding any inventory. The global ecommerce market has seen the recent emergence of many new dropshipping services. And plugins that make it easy for anyone with a website to get started. These services provide everything from marketing templates, product images, and order fulfillment.


Dropshipping with WordPress is a fast and easy way to start your own e-commerce store. A WordPress developer for hire can build you a professional looking website, integrate the most popular shopping cart systems like Shopify, and teach you how to set up your first few products. If you’re not sure where to start, contact me for more information about starting your business today!

Dropshipping is a great way for entrepreneurs on a budget to enter the eCommerce world. By leveraging platforms like WordPress, you can build your own store with little upfront cost and start generating revenue quickly. If you follow these steps, we guarantee that you’ll be up and running in no time!

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Jane Brewer

Technology consultant in leading software development company committed to providing end-to-end IT services in Web, Mobile & Cloud.

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