
Link Building Tricks That Help Your Site Rank On Google

How to rank on Google

Link building is quite reminiscent of the real world. The more powerful your network is, the faster you can grow. You leverage or piggyback off the powerful connections who vouch for you in front of like-minded individuals. Similarly, a website with good quality links from established sites will be rewarded by search engines such as Google, which emphasizes the linking decisions of its established players within its ecosystem. This is why there has been a sharp increase in the demand for backlink building services the world over. If you are struggling to get traffic to your site, here are some simple link-building tricks that can help you rise in Google rankings.

Internal Linking

Internal linking helps to improve your site’s internal search engine optimization by passing link juice. It helps website crawlers index your site, and because of this good practice, your site gets duly rewarded. Internal linking also provides quicker page loads and makes it easier for readers to navigate your site. This improves their experience and stops them from churning.

Creating a network of related content gives readers something to look forward to after going through a piece of content. This also improves the odds of them purchasing from your site.

Local Business Citations

Most of the time, businesses are local and compete for turf rights in a particular geography. In this case, you must get local businesses to site you. Firstly, claim your listing on Google My Business. Make sure you put the correct name, address, and phone number. Try to find citation sources that are relevant to your keyword and geography. For example, if you are in the dog food industry that primarily delivers in Albuquerque, you can search for dog food business directories in Albuquerque or New Mexico. The narrower you are with your citations, the higher the odds of you landing a place in the Google 3 Pack.

Guest Blogging on High Domain Authority Sites

It would help if you did guest blogging on sites that have a high domain rating. The wrong link can hurt your rankings on Google. Find a website that matches and compliments your website. Focus on producing well-researched and high-quality content. If you don’t have the experience, it’s best to hire a professional link building service with a team at its disposal to help you in this regard. They will match you with the right sites and help you avoid low-quality sites or directories.


People love infographics because they are easy to digest and can be very informative. When used properly, infographics can be a powerful tool to help your site rank higher on Google. Craft well-designed infographics that have good statistics. Try to make them aesthetically pleasing as they will have a higher chance of going viral on social media. Also, send these infographics to directories and reach out to high-value influencers and bloggers within your industry.

Updated Content

Having fresh and updated content on your website is critical to link building. If you don’t post regularly, it will affect your site’s perception with the Google algorithm.

Outdated content also will not be read by people. Create content that is valuable to other webmasters so that they want to link to it themselves. Writing good content is not everyone’s cup of tea and can seem like a daunting task if you are a novice and don’t know what you’re doing. Luckily, you can always hire an experienced backlink-building service that will help you write well-researched and compelling content that your target market will adore.

Answer Questions

Another great way is to utilize question-based sites such as Reddit and Quora to build links. Simply stay active on these platforms and be a good Samaritan and

answer questions. In the end, make a subtle mention of your site. You can even just mention your site on your profile. When people click on it, this will help to increase traffic to your website.


Testimonials are one of the best ways to establish your credibility in an industry. They act as social proof that people need before they would want to spend their money on your products. Try to get testimonials from credible people and line up websites willing to post them on their site. For example, you can have famous YouTubers give a shout-out to your product in their video content, mentioning how they have benefited from it.

You can encourage people to give testimonials by offering discounts, free updates, or other incentives. For example, if you are selling a tech accessory, you can send it to them if they agree to write the testimonial.

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