Health and Fitness

What Is Assistive Technology Funding in the NDIS Plan?

What Is Assistive Technology Funding in the NDIS Plan?

NDIS, or National Disability Insurance Scheme, is an Australian government initiative that renders financial assistance to eligible citizens with disabilities. Under the NDIS, the participants can avail of funding for assistive technology (AT), any device or system that can increase, maintain, or improve the functional abilities of individuals with disabilities. Participants can either approach Disability Support in Wyndham Vale or their plan manager to get the best AT required for their needs.

Disability Support in Wyndham Vale

Through this article, we intend to inform the participants how NDIS in Wyndham Vale or their neighbourhood provides funding to procure the required assistive technology and helps to attain more independence.

What Is Assistive Technology?

The World Trade Organisation explains Assistive Technology as a medium that helps people to participate in education, the labour market and civic life by leading healthy, productive, independent and dignified lives.

Assistive technology (AT) is a collective term for devices, appliances or tools that help improve the daily lives of people with disabilities. AT can be as simple as an adaptive eating utensil or as complex as a computer-based communication system.

What Are the Different Types of Assistive Technology?

Low-cost Assistive Technology

These are locally available products that require minimal effort to set up. The disability support in Wyndham Vale can help the participants purchase or lease the low-cost assistive technology they need. Participants can find funding for low-cost assistive technology in the basic budget consumables.

Mid-cost Assistive Technology

Mid-range assistive technology is a broad category, including products priced from $1500 to $15000. NDIS in Wyndham Vale does not require evidence to fund the mid-cost assistive technology.  Participants can find the mid-cost assistive technology in the Capital Budget category.

In most cases, a separate evaluation by an AT consultant is sufficient for NDIS to understand a technology’s need, costs and risks. Your disability support in Wyndham Vale can help find an AT consultant to assess the mid-range assistive technology needs of the participant.

High-cost Assistive Technology

All high-cost assistive technologies cost $15,000 or more. NDIS in Wyndham Vale requires evaluation by expert AT consultants and bids for proposed assistive technologies to provide adequate funding. High-cost assistive technology is complex and needs a professional assessment to understand if it is the right solution for the participant.  The capital section of the NDIS plan provides funding for costly assistive technology.

Cost Characteristics Risks Examples
Low-cost AT < $1500 Locally available and easy to set-up Unlikely to cause harm ●Continence products

●Non-slip bathmats

●Walking sticks


● Basic shower chairs.


Mid-cost AT $1500-$15000 Difficult to set-up Less risky yet should be used with care ●Customised shower chair

●Ankle-foot orthotics

●Alternative communication devices

●Power wheelchairs

● Pressure care mattresses


High-cost AT > $15000 ●  Customisable as perthe participant’s needs


● Requires individual assessment & specialised set-up

Can be harmful if not used adequately ● Prosthetics

● Ventilators


Consider Your Current Assistive Technology

How well does your current equipment work? How well does it meet your needs? Does it need repair or replacement? You can add a replacement AT to your plan with just one offer without requiring a complete re-evaluation.

Analyse Your Goals

Consider how your current assistive technology helps you achieve the specific goals set in your plan. Do you need new or different types of gear to reach your goals in the next 12-24 months?

Prepare the Necessary Documents

An NDIS planner or local area coordinator needs to know everything  to create an NDIS plan. Collect clinical evaluation documents, proposals, or reports demonstrating your needs.

Concluding Words

Understanding assistive technology and NDIS budget categories funding them can help the participant to buy or lease AT and increase their convenience and independence levels. Disability support in Wyndham Vale, like We to help get the best quality at reasonable costs.



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