
Why is Appraisal Essential for Startups?

There is no doubt that every startup needs a financial backup. Venture Capital, angel investors, and seed investors are the ones who invest in a startup. But they cannot offer their money to every startup blindly; on the other hand; they do not have the time to assess every startup investment idea that comes their way.

Business Appraisal Las Vegas firms assist investors in valuing and appraising startups. If you are a startup at an early stage and wondering whether the business appraisal is for you, this guide is essential for you; where you will learn why appraisal is essential for startups and why you must undertake business appraisal services in Las Vegas.

What is Startup Appraisal?

Startup Appraisal is a part of startup valuation where valuers and appraisers study a business idea, its viability, the product-market fit, revenue expected to be generated from this product or service, etc. Based on their analysis, they recommend when the best time for the investors to invest, how much the company is worth, and how much investment will provide them with the desired result.

In today’s time, business appraisal and valuation are of utmost importance for both investors and entrepreneurs. The process determines how much equity the entrepreneurs will have to part with to gain funds to take their startup to the next level. On the other hand, investors realize how much profit they will make from investing in the new company.

Startup appraisal and valuation incorporate several methods and in-depth analysis of the product, market, industry, competition, etc. Therefore, it is an indispensable tool for investors and entrepreneurs to make the most of their resources.

Importance of Business Appraisal for Startups

Business appraisal and valuation consider both financial and non-financial data to conclude, and the report helps you in the following ways.

A Business Appraisal is a Breaker or Maker

It is true. Business appraisers possess immense knowledge and capabilities to assess the market, product, viability, future revenue predictions, etc.; thus, their word can be a real deal breaker or maker. If a business appraiser realizes that your product is a hit and you will be earning immense revenue, you will find investors lining up at your business door. On the other hand, if the business appraisers find that your product is way ahead of its time and may not perform as per expectations in the market, it will become hard to find an investor. Thus, the business appraisal is a crucial and inevitable step.

It Helps You See Your Future Path

Estimations and predictions may not be altogether accurate, but they present an outline of your future. A business appraisal is not guesswork, but it is the outcome of tested valuation methods and an in-depth study of the market, considering market changes, factors that might impact your business, competition, etc. The future predictions and estimated earnings that a business appraisal presents are a great tool to lure in investors and secure the company’s future.

It Helps Both Investors and Entrepreneurs

Startup appraisal offers mutual benefit to both investors and entrepreneurs. Every startup claims to be the next unicorn, but investors cannot take word of mouth. They need evidence.

On the other hand, every entrepreneur needs capital but how much they should accept after surrendering a portion of their equity is a question.

Business appraisal answers all these questions. Investors get solid financial and non-financial data on which to base their decision, and entrepreneurs learn what’s the best course for them to take. Every entrepreneur wants to keep his company’s decision-making rights to himself, and a business appraisal can allow him to do so. Finally, the higher the company’s valuation, the less equity the entrepreneur has to part with and vice versa.

It Defines the Potential of a Business

The market share defines the potential of a business it can conquer, the competition it can ward off, the number of times its revenue shall be increased, etc. Do you know that in the USA, 90% of startups fail? 10% fail in the first year of their business, and 70% fail in the next 2 to 5 years. Thus, the success rate of startups is merely 10%. And a business appraisal is the tool that defines whether a startup will succeed or fail.

And this is why investors put immense faith in business appraisals before they invest their hard-earned money because it defines the potential of a business.

Factors To Be Considered During Startup Appraisal

The following factors are essentially considered during a startup appraisal.


Goodwill is an underrated term, but in the startup market, it can prove to be the decision-maker. A startup’s reputation and positive image is a prerequisites for its appraisal. Investors prefer an untainted and reputable startup to invest in.


It is the measure of the company’s increasing growth and revenue share. On average, a successful startup might even grow at 100%. Traction indicates that the company is growing, and investors expect so.


To which industry does the startup belong? Is it a growing industry or a mature one? If it is a growing industry, the company will likely grow. But if it is a mature industry, the company might also face stagnant growth in a few years. As a result, investors will more likely choose a company with better growth prospects.

Pre-Valuation Revenues

Your business’s numbers should speak for themselves. If the product has hit the market and is doing well, it will get investors easily.


Every new business must be ready to pitch its idea with a ready prototype, be it a product, service, or application.

Final Words

Being an entrepreneur, knocking on a business appraiser’s door for business appraisal in Las Vegas is unavoidable. However, doing it early than time or later than the right stage might impact your startup’s chances of getting an investor. Thus, hire a business appraiser in time, and get your startup valued before it is too late.




Lindsay Wiley

At Wiley Financial Services, we’re focused on helping our clients in the following areas: Business Appraisals, Audits, and Cash Flow Analysis. We have a Certified Appraiser, Accountant, Financial Consultant, and CFO with 20+ years experience in a wide variety of industries including: restaurants, the biomedical field, IT, manufacturing, design and one strip club (true story).

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