Health and Fitness

Why is it important for children to practice swimming?

Swimming is one of the most complete sports that exist . In addition to the large number of muscles involved, the aquatic environment is ideal for keeping the cardiovascular system healthy of the Lifeguard Training near me, practically at any age.

Doctors have already explained on countless occasions the benefits of exercising for the little ones. However, there are always some sports that are more complete than others. In this sense, swimming is one of the most beneficial, as pointed out by the Spanish Heart Foundation .

Swimming benefits

Specialists agree that the practice of this sport is beneficial for many parts of the body. Because many muscle groups are involved. In addition, it is a good way to prevent conditions such as high blood pressure or being overweight. Here, it should be remembered that 80% of children who suffer from obesity will also suffer from it as an adult.

Swimming also keeps the circulatory system in a healthy state, as it helps maintain a healthy cholesterol level and prevents the onset of arteriosclerosis. But the benefits do not end here. Even children with diabetes can see their metabolism improve, as swimming lowers blood glucose levels and also increases the effectiveness of insulin.

On the other hand, swimming provides all the benefits of all sports, such as an improvement in the cardiovascular response to effort. Being a very technical sport discipline, swimming increases flexibility, and favors coordination and agility. Finally, it should be noted that swimming helps the correct stimulation of people. With neurological problems and cerebral palsy.

It should not be forgotten that swimming. Like most sports, promotes socialization. In this case, with an addition: the children acquire notions and rescue capacity. It should also be mentioned that the use of a swimsuit is a form of self-acceptance. And also of respect towards others.

learning phases

The three fundamental phases that every child goes through to learn to swim are the following:

  • Survival: At this time, children are taught to become familiar. With the water, to breathe and, later, to float. When confidence is already well established, propulsion through the aquatic environment is taught.
  • Autonomy: Here he already works with movements, jumps and games in the water.
  • Technique: Swimming began to be practiced as a sports discipline. Children are taught the different styles and modalities of competition.

For your children to practice swimming, it is enough that you take into account the following precautions:

• The intensity of the sessions must be increased progressively.
• The ideal is to practice little by little until reaching three weekly sessions of 30 minutes. Training must always be adapted to the physical and psychological maturity of each child.
• It is essential to always shower before and after the session.
• Equip your child with proper footwear to prevent fungus in swimming pools and showers. The hat and glasses are also essential tools.
• Always use adequate sun protection if the practice is outdoors.

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