
Tips to Make Accounting Easy and Stress-Free in 2022

effective accounting tips

Whether you are just starting or have a well-established business, having someone manage your accounting for small business is crucial for the success of your small business or start-up.

Since managing a business is already a tough nut to crack, having your foundations strong will make you ready for anything. In order to establish the roots of your business, you must manage your accounts.  Well to operate the business smoothly, have insight into the business performance, and know the future growth potential.

So, here are a few effective accounting tips you must read carefully to stay stress-free. Doing so will let your business face fewer accounting-related surprises.

  1. Separate Business and Personal Expenses

The biggest mistake many new business owners make is that they do not open a separate bank account for their business. But you must avoid this!

Because sole proprietors are not mandated to legally open a separate business account unless they are corporations, many miss out on the benefits of doing so. You must open an individual personal bank account from your business because:

  • Net income from your business will no longer be subject to personal income tax.
  • It lets you easily track all the business transactions, and you will not have to sieve business and personal transactions separately.
  • A respective business account eventually builds a business credit rating.
  • Separating the business account from the personal one will protect you from personal liability.
  • You will have a line of credit options to cover the cash gap.

Besides, keeping things separate and not having to take out the business transactions from the statement save a lot of your time and mind from stress.

  1. Get Bookkeeping/Accounting Software & Hire an Accountant

Bookkeeping is the process of recording all your expenses and incomes. It is a crucial part of fiscal management, as it provides the business owner with the financial insight they need to make sound growth decisions.

However, as crucial as it is to maintain the records, it can be time-consuming and error prone . Since it is not in the skill set of every business owner to manage daily finances, it is best to hire a professional bookkeeper or accountant for a small business in Mesa.

Furthermore, if you prefer to do it yourself, you must take advantage of the latest technology to keep your books up to date. Accounting software will help you:

– Automate bookkeeping

– Make your books stay error-free

– save time on accounting

– Compile the information you need to complete your business’s financial statements, and more.

  1. Keep Accurate Business Records

It is one of the most evergreen accounting tips ever, for a good reason. On busy business days, accountants have to keep spinning a lot of plates. But we want you not to struggle with the transaction history, files, and documents to get your accounting right. Thus, we suggest you capture all the records, list them very accurately, and keep them sorted – so it gets easy for you to locate the information you need.

After all, our greatest weapon towards burnout or stress is our capability to stay organized.

To stay accurate with business records, document the time, amount, place, and purpose of a transaction that makes it easy for you to claim expenses as tax deductions.

IRS mandates to keep the records for at least three years, while most small business accounting services providers say you should keep them for seven years. The documents you need to maintain are listed in the IRS Publication 583 in detail.

  1. File Your Payroll Taxes Quarterly

If you do not file the taxes quarterly, you must start paying your taxes every quarter. However, by paying the quarterly taxes, you can have the following accounting benefits that will relieve your stress.

  • You will not have to pay penalties if you pay your estimated tax every quarter.
  • It will make the end-of-the-year filing much easier
  • It will be effortless for the company to pay the tax in small chunks instead of paying a hefty amount at once.

Besides, you need to keep in mind that if you do not pay enough through the estimated tax payment, you might get stuck with penalties. The best way to avoid getting caught in such problems is to get accounting services for small business in Mesa, or do the calculations through accurate accounting software.

  1. Take Help from The Accounting Professional

When a business is in its initial state, it has several accounting needs and wants. They need advice on tax, transaction tracking, payrolls, expenses, deposits, and much more – which only a professional can fulfill. Finding a professional accountant will enable you to manage all the accounting and save your time and money on several things.

  • A local accountant will help you with tax preparation, write-offs & tax credits you might have missed.
  • They will help you save on taxes by filing for deductions your business is eligible for.
  • Most importantly, they will work with you to keep your accounting sorted. Besides, a professional will also handle all the mundane financial tasks for you, reducing your burden of managing the account.
  • Hiring an experienced accountant could help you to manage expenses wisely.
  • They can help you to increase the cash flow.
  • Also they will evaluate the growth and give you a detailed insight into the potential of your business.


When starting a business, it is great to get help from accounting professionals and follow the tips mentioned above to make accounting stress free.

If you want to stay stress-free and do not want any accounting headaches, get the small business accounting services at M&M Accounting LLC. Accounting professionals at M&M Accounting are well-versed in handling accounting accurately and efficiently. Visit these websites for more information.

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